Here are 20 of the most popular goat breeds in the world:

  1. Alpine: This breed is known for its high milk production and adaptability to different climates.

  2. LaMancha: This breed is known for its high milk production and small ears.

  3. Nubian: This breed is known for its high milk production and strong, rich flavor.

  4. Oberhasli: This breed is known for its milk production and docile temperament.

  5. Saanen: This breed is known for its high milk production and mild-mannered disposition.

  6. Boer: This breed is known for its meat production and hardiness.

  7. Spanish: This breed is known for its hardiness and meat production.

  8. Tennessee Fainting: This breed is known for its meat production and its tendency to "faint" or freeze when startled.

  9. Pygmy: This breed is known for its small size and suitability as a pet or for meat production.

  10. Angora: This breed is known for its high-quality wool and mohair production.

  11. Cashmere: This breed is known for its fine, soft undercoat wool used in cashmere production.

  12. Kiko: This breed is known for its meat production and hardiness.

  13. Myotonic: This breed is known for its meat production and hardiness.

  14. Sojat: This breed is known for its meat production and hardiness.

  15. Black Bengal: This breed is known for its meat production and hardiness.

  16. Beetal: This breed is known for its milk production and hardiness.

  17. Jakhrana: This breed is known for its milk production and hardiness.

  18. Sirohi: This breed is known for its milk production and hardiness.

  19. Marwari: This breed is known for its milk production and hardiness.

  20. Mehsana: This breed is known for its milk production and hardiness.

It's worth noting that different breeds are better suited for different purposes, so it's important to research each breed and their specific characteristics to determine which breed would be the best fit for your farm and your goals.